
Revision as of 06:10, 21 March 2020 by Talath (talk | contribs) (Clarified.)


Combat page.
Farmlands combat area selected.
Fighting a Chicken.
Death screen.

Combat is the act of fighting various monsters throughout the combat areas, slayer areas, and dungeons of Melvor. All monsters killed in combat and slayer areas will drop bones upon death, with a chance for additional loot based on the monster's type. Monsters fought in dungeons will not drop loot when killed and do not count towards Slayer Tasks. When the last monster in a dungeon is killed the player will be awarded with a Chest, which is sent to the Bank automatically. Food and Equipment cannot be changed while in a dungeon.

Combat stats - viewable from the combat page - are affected by the player's combat skills and any Equipment worn. The combat skills are Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic, Prayer, and Slayer. These skills are factored in when calculating the player's combat level, which is an approximation of the player's power. Players start at combat level 3 and can reach a maximum of combat level 126, while monsters range from combat level 1 to 677. The player's combat level affects the difficulty of monsters given in Slayer Tasks.

Combat Info

Max Hit shows the maximum potential damage a successful attack can do. The Max Hit displayed for players and enemies does not factor in damage reduction.
Accuracy Rating affects the likelihood an attack will be successful during combat. The player's Accuracy Rating is compared to the enemy's Evasion Rating when calculating the chance an attack will succeed.
Evasion Rating affects the likelihood an attack will be avoided during combat. There are three types of Evasion Rating; Melee, Ranged, and Magic. The Attack Type being defended against affects which Evasion Rating will be used. The enemy's Accuracy Rating is compared to the player's Evasion Rating when calculating the chance an attack will be avoided.
Prayer Points are gained by burying bones and are used to activate prayers during combat.
Active Prayers provide bonuses to the player during combat and use Prayer Points to remain active. Up to two prayers can be active simultaneously, so long as the required Prayer Points are available.

Basic Combat

To fight monsters navigate to the combat page by selecting any combat skill from the left menu. The combat page contains three tabs containing the locations where monsters can be fought, above a section for equipment and combat stats. Select browse combat areas, slayer areas, or dungeons to reveal a menu containing all the relevant locations. Selecting a location will display the enemies which can be found there, along with their Hitpoints, Combat Level, and Attack Type. The "Drops" option will display the possible loot drops a monster can give and selecting "Fight" will begin combat. When combat begins you will not be able to browse location list until you run or die. Enemies are fought automatically, however any items enemies drop upon death must be looted manually by selecting "Loot All" or the item itself.

Combat skills are levelled by damaging enemies with weapons, and magic. To train a specific combat skill match your Attack Style icon with the relevant combat skill. The available Attack Styles will change depending on the type of weapon you have equipped. Most combat skills have a passive effect even when the relevant style is not selected. Weapons, armour, and food can be equipped for use by selecting them in the Bank. Weapons and armour provide various bonuses and penalties to your combat stats, while food can be used for healing in combat. Upon death a random piece of Equipment worn will be lost forever, however unique items lost this way like Skillcapes can be repurchased at the Shop.

Special Attacks

- Main article: Special Attacks

Special attacks can be used in combat to gain a slight advantage over the monster you're fighting. You are able to use a special attack every 2 minutes, which can be triggered automatically through an option in the settings menu. Equipping a weapon with a special attack will add a tile to your combat page with a description of the special attack and a button to use it. Only a select few high level weapons can currently use special attacks.


Receiving damage that would bring the player's total Hitpoints to 0 or below will cause the player to die. Upon death a random piece of Equipment worn will be lost forever, however unique items lost this way like Skillcapes can be repurchased at the Shop. If nothing is equipped at the time of death, or luck is on the players side, no items will be lost. If arrows are lost, the entire stack - regardless of size - will be forfeited. Only non-food items that have been equipped can be lost upon death.

Combat Mechanics

Melee Accuracy Rating

The first formula is used to calculate your Effective Melee Attack Level. The Attack Style Bonus for melee is 1.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Effective Melee Attack Level}=\text{Attack Skill Level} + 8 + \text{Attack Style Bonus}  }[/math]

The second formula is used to calculate your Melee Accuracy Rating. Your Melee Attack Bonus can be found in your Equipment Stats and changes depending on the Attack Style selected. Simply substitute your Stab Bonus, Slash Bonus, or Defend Bonus, with Melee Attack Bonus in this formula. The potion and prayer bonuses, will be the relevant numbers written in the potion and prayer descriptions.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Melee Accuracy Rating} = \text{Effective Melee Attack Level} * (\text{Melee Attack Bonus} +64) * (1 + \text{Potion Accuracy Rating Bonus} / 100) * (1 + \text{Prayer Accuracy Rating Bonus} / 100)  }[/math]

Ranged Accuracy Rating

The first formula is used to calculate your Effective Ranged Attack Level. The Attack Style Bonus when using the Accurate Attack Style is 4, otherwise it's 1.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Effective Ranged Attack Level}=\text{Attack Skill Level} + 8 + \text{Attack Style Bonus}  }[/math]

The second formula is used to calculate your Ranged Accuracy Rating. Your Ranged Attack Bonus can be found in your Equipment Stats, under Offensive Stats with the bow and arrow icon. The potion and prayer bonuses, will be the relevant numbers written in the potion and prayer descriptions.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Ranged Accuracy Rating} = \text{Effective Ranged Attack Level} * (\text{Ranged Attack Bonus} +64) * (1 + \text{Potion Accuracy Rating Bonus} / 100) * (1 + \text{Prayer Accuracy Rating Bonus} / 100)  }[/math]

Magic Accuracy Rating

The first formula is used to calculate your Effective Magic Attack Level. The Attack Style Bonus for magic is 1.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Effective Magic Attack Level}=\text{Attack Skill Level} + 8 + \text{Attack Style Bonus}  }[/math]

The second formula is used to calculate your Magic Accuracy Rating. Your Magic Attack Bonus can be found in your Equipment Stats, under Offensive Stats with the wizard hat icon. The potion and prayer bonuses, will be the relevant numbers written in the potion and prayer descriptions.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Magic Accuracy Rating} = \text{Effective Magic Attack Level} * (\text{Magic Attack Bonus} +64) * (1 + \text{Potion Accuracy Rating Bonus} / 100) * (1 + \text{Prayer Accuracy Rating Bonus} / 100)  }[/math]

Chance to Hit

To calculate the chance an attack will hit, the Accuracy Rating of the attacker is compared to the relevant Evasion Rating of the defender. If the attacker's Accuracy Rating is lower than the defender's evasion rating the formula looks like this.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Hit Percent Chance}=\ (0.5 * \text{Accuracy Rating} / \text{Evasion Rating}) * 100  }[/math]

If the attacker's Accuracy Rating is higher than the defender's Evasion Rating the formula looks like this.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Hit Percent Chance}=\ (1 - 0.5 * \text{Evasion Rating} / \text{Accuracy Rating}) * 100  }[/math]

When your Accuracy Rating and the target's Evasion Rating are the same, the chance to hit is 50%. The higher your Accuracy Rating is above the targets Evasion Rating, the less valuable each point will be. At double you your targets Evasion Rating, you will hit 75% of the time, at triple, you will hit 83.3% of the time.

Max Hit

The first formula is used to calculate your Effective Strength Level.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Effective Strength Level = Strength Skill Level + 8 + 1}  }[/math]

The second formula is used to calculate your Max Hit. Your Strength Bonus can be found in your Equipment Stats. The potion and prayer bonuses, will be the relevant numbers written in the potion and prayer descriptions.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Max Hit} = 10 * ((1.3 + \text{Effective Strength Level} / 10 + \text{Strength Bonus} / 80 + \text{Effective Strength Level} * \text{Strength Bonus} / 640) * (1 + \text{Potion Strength Bonus} / 100) * (1 + \text{Prayer Strength Bonus} / 100))  }[/math]

Magic Max Hit

Your Max Hit with spells changes depending on the spell being used. Spell Max Hit is in the spells description. Your Magic Damage Bonus can be found in your Equipment Stats under % Damage Bonus. The potion and prayer bonuses, will be the relevant numbers written in the potion and prayer descriptions.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Magic Max Hit} = \text{Spell Max Hit} * (1 + \text{Magic Damage Bonus} / 100) * (1 + \text{Prayer Magic Damage Bonus} / 100) * (1 + \text{Potion Magic Damage Bonus}) }[/math]

Melee Evasion Rating

The first formula is used to calculate your Effective Defence Level. Your Defence Style Bonus is 1. When using the Longranged Attack Style your Defence Style Bonus is 3.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Effective Defence Level} = \text{Defence Skill Level} + 8 + \text{Defence Style Bonus}  }[/math]

The second formula is used to calculate your Melee Evasion Rating. Your Melee Defence Bonus can be found in your Equipment Stats under Defensive Stats with a shield icon. The potion and prayer bonuses, will be the relevant numbers written in the potion and prayer descriptions.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Evasion Rating} = \text{Effective Defence Level} * (\text{Melee Defence Bonus} + 64) * (1 + \text{Potion Evasion Rating Bonus} / 100) * (1 + \text{Prayer Evasion Rating Bonus} / 100)  }[/math]

Ranged Evasion Rating

The first formula is used to calculate your Effective Defence Level. Your Ranged Defence Style Bonus is 1.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Effective Defence Level} = \text{Defence Skill Level} + 8 + \text{Ranged Defence Style Bonus}  }[/math]

The second formula is used to calculate your Ranged Evasion Rating. Your Ranged Defence Bonus can be found in your Equipment Stats under Defensive Stats with a bow and arrow icon. The potion and prayer bonuses, will be the relevant numbers written in the potion and prayer descriptions.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Ranged Evasion Rating} = \text{Effective Defence Level} * (\text{Ranged Defence Bonus} + 64) * (1 + \text{Potion Evasion Rating Bonus} / 100) * (1 + \text{Prayer Evasion Rating Bonus} / 100)  }[/math]

Magic Evasion Rating

The first formula is used to calculate your Effective Magic Defence Level. The result here is always rounded down to the nearest whole number.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Effective Magic Defence Level} = \text{Magic Skill Level} * 0.7 + \text{Defence Skill Level} * 0.3 }[/math]

The second formula is used to calculate your Magic Evasion Rating. Your Magic Defence Bonus can be found in your Equipment Stats under Defensive Stats with a wizard hat icon. The potion and prayer bonuses, will be the relevant numbers written in the potion and prayer descriptions.

[math]\displaystyle{  \text{Magic Evasion Rating} = \text{Effective Magic Defence Level} * (\text{Magic Defence Bonus} + 64) * (1 + \text{Potion Evasion Rating Bonus} / 100) * (1 + \text{Prayer Evasion Rating Bonus} / 100) + 8 + 1) }[/math]