
Coolrox95/Katorone are working on a bot for the wiki. The main purpose of the bot is to upload all the item and monster pages to the wiki.


The goal of the wiki bot is to:

  • Automatically fill out the wiki using the game's code and objects.
  • Automatically update changed images.
  • Make sure proper templates, categories and menus are added to each page.


  • Fetch and parse each page to detect if proper categories, templates and menus are used.
  • Create pages for some Shop Upgrades
  • Create disambiguation pages
  • Be able to update item/monster pages without interfering with user added descriptions, and detect if underlying data has changed to flag for version/inaccuracy in user created content

Current Features

  • Fill out the Item Template for all items.
  • Fill out the Monster Template for all monsters.
    • Currently some monsters are named the same while having a different ID. This has been resolved by adding combat level to the page names for monsters with duplicate names
  • Create pages for each Combat Area and Dungeon
  • Create pages for each Prayer
  • Create pages for each Spell

Feel free to add tasks or remarks to this page.

After a code cleanup and a more modular design of the bot, the source will be available for all.