
Revision as of 07:08, 5 June 2020 by MelvorWikiBot (talk | contribs) (Manual Review: No Changes. Updating Version.)


Coolrox95 is working on a bot for the wiki. The main purpose of the bot is to upload all the item and monster pages to the wiki, and maintain them as needed.


The goal of the wiki bot is to:

  • Automatically fill out the wiki using the game's code and objects.
  • Automatically update changed images.
  • Make sure proper templates, categories and menus are added to each page.


  • Improve the generation of item pages, to include detailed information on item creation and item loot sources.
  • Fetch and parse each page to detect if proper categories, templates and menus are used.
  • Create disambiguation pages
  • Be able to update item/monster pages without interfering with user added descriptions, and detect if underlying data has changed to flag for version/inaccuracy in user created content
    • This will likely be implemented by creating sub-templates for each of these pages to create a layer between bot and user content.

Current Features

  • Fill out the Item Template for all items.
  • Fill out the Monster Template for all monsters.
    • Currently some monsters are named the same while having a different ID. This has been resolved by adding combat level to the page names for monsters with duplicate names
  • Create pages for each Combat Area and Dungeon
  • Create pages for each Prayer
  • Create pages for each Spell
  • Create pages for some Shop Upgrades
  • Create template pages for auto-generated tables.
  • Uploads/Updates images for Dungeons, Combat Areas, Slayer Areas, Items, Monsters, Spells, Upgrades and Prayers.

Feel free to add tasks or remarks to this page.

After a code cleanup and a more modular design of the bot, the source will be available for all.