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==== {{Skill|Slayer}} ====
==== {{Skill|Slayer}} ====
'''Pros:''' Rerolling easy tasks is free, so you can always gain slayer coins and xp from what you want to fighting. If you are willing to reroll tasks, it gives free slayer xp. Coins can be spent on important upgrades and resupply which gives food, bones and ammo. Unlocks slayer areas with important mobs, like mummy for gold emerald ring and gold topaz ring.
'''Pros:''' Rerolling easy tasks is free, so you can always gain slayer coins and xp from what you want to fighting. If you are willing to reroll tasks, it gives free slayer xp. Since you will spend a long time doing combat, might as well get extra XP from every kill. Slayer coins can be spent on important upgrades and resupply which gives food, bones and ammo. Unlocks slayer areas with important mobs, like mummy for gold emerald ring and gold topaz ring. With auto slayer upgrade, you can level quickly while afk. You will need to unlock slayer eventually.

'''Cons:''' Acquiring slayer coins requires you to manually reroll tasks, or at least switch to your current task, which is inconvenient for mostly idling/afk players. You can still earn some slayer xp by fighting in a slayer area. Takes a while to earn up coins to buy anything. Does not contribute to combat level!
'''Cons:''' Acquiring slayer coins requires you to manually reroll tasks, or at least switch to your current task, which is inconvenient for mostly idling/afk players until you get 150k for auto slayer. You can still earn some slayer xp by fighting in a slayer area. Takes a while to earn up coins to buy anything. Does not contribute to combat level!

Recommended to unlock: early game for active players, else mid/late
Recommended to unlock: Early/Mid game

==== {{Skill|Woodcutting}} ====
==== {{Skill|Woodcutting}} ====
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'''Cons:''' You can get food from farming or combat. Prayer points can come from alt magic. The gp/hr is worse than gem gloves until high levels, can’t get that sweet whale+fishing cape gp/hr for a long time.
'''Cons:''' You can get food from farming or combat. Prayer points can come from alt magic. The gp/hr is worse than gem gloves until high levels, can’t get that sweet whale+fishing cape gp/hr for a long time.

Recommended to unlock: early or Late/end game
Recommended to unlock: Early-End game

==== {{Skill|Firemaking}} ====
==== {{Skill|Firemaking}} ====
'''Pros:''' The cape gives you xp bonus.. Eventually. Cooking xp bonus with fires
'''Pros:''' The cape gives you xp bonus.. Eventually. Cooking xp bonus with fires. If you are going for max cape, might want to get FM cape and pet before completing some other skills.

'''Cons:''' Need 99 combat level to get cape, at which point the grind will not be as worth it compared to normal modes. Need to get logs from woodcutting.
'''Cons:''' Need 99 combat level to get skill cape, at which point the grind will not be as worth it compared to normal modes. Need to get logs from woodcutting.

Recommended to unlock: Late/end game
Recommended to unlock: Late/End game

==== {{Skill|Cooking}} ====
==== {{Skill|Cooking}} ====
'''Pros:''' Easy and quick afk food with fishing.  
'''Pros:''' Easy and quick afk food with fishing. If you aren't able to actively play, it is hard to get food from collecting monster drops or from farming.

'''Cons:''' You can get food and lots of other items from farming or combat. Does not give any advantage besides food.
'''Cons:''' You can get food and lots of other items from farming or combat. Does not give any advantage besides food.

Recommended to unlock: early or Late/end game
Recommended to unlock: early or Late/End game

==== {{Skill|Mining}} ====
==== {{Skill|Mining}} ====
'''Pros:''' Mining with gem gloves is the best money making strat early on, plus it's mostly afk. Can earn some offline gp before gem gloves. Need essence for magic and gloop for farming. With smithing, you can get bars for armor trimming, and ranged ammo. Level 99 needed to efficiently create [[Dragon Javelin]], one of the best end game [[Money Making]] strategies.
'''Pros:''' Mining with gem gloves is the best money making strat early on, plus it's mostly afk. Can earn some offline gp before gem gloves. Need essence for magic and gloop for farming. With smithing, you can get bars for armor trimming, melee armor and weapons, and ranged ammo. Level 99 needed to efficiently create [[Dragon Javelin]], one of the best end game [[Money Making]] strategies.

'''Cons:''' Need 500k for first pair of gem gloves.  
'''Cons:''' Need 500k for first pair of gem gloves.  
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==== {{Skill|Fletching}} ====
==== {{Skill|Fletching}} ====
'''Pros:''' Needed for arrows and bows. Level 99 needed to fletch [[Dragon Javelin]], one of the best end game [[Money Making]] strategies.
'''Pros:''' Needed for ranged to craft arrows and bows. Level 99 needed to fletch [[Dragon Javelin]], one of the best end game [[Money Making]] strategies.

'''Cons:''' Ranged is not the strongest, and you can get most arrows and bows from drops. Fletching djavs for money is not viable until combat level 99.
'''Cons:''' Ranged is not the strongest, and you can get most arrows and bows from drops. Fletching djavs for money is not viable until combat level 99.
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Recommended to unlock: Mid/Late/End game
Recommended to unlock: Mid/Late/End game

== FAQ ==
Written by Jeff

(Q) Why Slayer?
== Potential Skill Order WIP ==
(A) Slayer is going to be your best friend for a while. Unless you plan on making money off feathers Slayer is pretty much the go to for first or second unlock. Think of it this way: you're already pretty much forced to start with combat. Why not make the best of it and unlock everything slayer has to offer from the get go?
(Q) What skill should I choose next?
(A) There's no correct way to build your account. Think of what you have to work with, make a strategy and don't let anyone tell you how to build your Adventure
(Q) What happens when I reach my skilling cap?
(A) The skill in question will cease to receive experience 1 action before what would otherwise be gaining +1 level. You will still gather or work and master xp will still be gained.
(Q) When do I buy the next skill?
(A) Generally you want to have the money for it but it might also be a good idea to save up a little extra so you aren't left with nothing after unlocking your new skill.
(Q) Is prayer good?
(A) Yes. It contributes to combat level and is needed for high level combat. Make sure you have a source of prayer points first- fishing skele fish, alt magic, or slayer resupply.

(Q) What should I be aiming for?
Choosing a skill order will greatly change your path through Adventure Mode. Many skills are interconnected, and you will be limited by items you can't get and your combat level. Read the Skills Pros and Cons list above for a more in depth look at each skill. Plan ahead what skills you will buy next!
(A) These are merely based on personal opinion but can be beneficial: You might want to prioritize combat. Getting your Auto Slayer and Auto Eats will define how long you are manually doing things. Slayer Farming are generally good first unlocks. You set your own goals and play your own way.

== Potential Skill Order WIP ==
There is no best skill order. Your order depends greatly on how often you are actively playing the game, and overall priorities. The start of the game requires a lot of attention to progress efficiently, but you can still make some progress afk.  
We are still figuring this out, and it depends greatly on how often you are actively playing the game, and if you can let the combat run on your device while you are afk. The start of the game requires a lot of attention to progress efficiently, but you can still make some progress afk.

==== Early Game: Active Playing ====
==== Early Game: Active Playing ====
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  Mining > {{ItemIcon|Gem Gloves}} > Fishing > Cooking > [[Auto Eat - Tier I]]
  Mining > {{ItemIcon|Gem Gloves}} > Fishing > Cooking > [[Auto Eat - Tier I]]

You will need to actively collect loot from combat and heal with potatoes at first. Soon your regen will be enough to outsell plants, and later cows. After you kill enough cows to unlock mining, you can start earning some gp offline, buy you will be greatly restricted by combat level. Work towards earning 500k so you can start earning good gp/hr offline. Then get fishing, cooking, and [[Auto Eat - Tier I]] so you can afk combat.
You will need to actively collect loot from combat and heal with potatoes at first. Soon your regen will be enough to outsell plants, and later cows. After you kill enough cows to unlock mining, you can start earning some gp offline, buy you will be greatly restricted by combat level. Work towards earning 500k so you can start earning good gp/hr offline. Then get fishing, cooking, and [[Auto Eat - Tier I]] so you can afk combat. When you get the drops, you can train strength through barbarian fishing and get prayer points from bone fish.
==== Mid Game: Melee ====
Source of Prayer Points > Prayer > Smithing
By now you should have a good source of food and progressing through combat. Get prayer points from fishing (bone fish), RC+magic (blessed offering) or slayer (resupply). Train prayer and slayer as you do combat so you are prepared for the higher tier dungeons. You can trim Mithril armor, or wait until you can fight adamant knights and trim their armor.
==== Mid Game: Magic ====
Runecrafting > Magic > Prayer
After some essence mining, start training runecrafting. Craft a set of air robes and get a weapon, either create a [[Magic Wand (Basic)]] from 1k essence or fight [[fairy]] for a staff. Then start whacking melee mobs with wind strike! As your combat level increases, you can craft higher tier runes to use stronger air spells. You can use alt magic to earn xp while offline, and you will want to cast a lot of [[Blessed Offering]] to earn prayer points when you unlock it.
==== Next Steps ====
There are lots of ways to go from here. Getting slayer and farming is a must if you haven't already. Herblore makes your other skills more efficient, thieving gives you [[Chapeau Noir]] and carrot seeds, agility gives passives boosts. Try to train two combat styles, probably magic and melee. Working on getting to 99 combat level and being able to idle the late game dungeons!

