Mod Creation/Enabling DevTools for the Steam and Epic Clients

From Melvor Idle
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Disclaimer: It is highly recommended to BACKUP YOUR SAVE before running any scripts or extensions.

Disclaimer: Do not run code you can not understand or do not trust. Malicious code could be included in any script and extension.

Steam Console and Scripts

How to use console commands, scripts, and extensions on Steam. Disclaimer: the following instructions worked on my linux and windows machines. I do not guarantee that this will work for you. Disclaimer 2: don't run scripts you don't trust, but if you do that's your problem :woman_shrugging:

You should probably first

- take a local backup of your save (you should do this whenever you try a new script tbh), and
- read all the instructions in (A) and (B) (and maybe (C)) before you start following them.

(A) Setup - You only have to do this once.

(1) download Melvor Idle on Steam, and find the installation directory [...]/steamapps/common/Melvor Idle (2) download the appropriate NW.js SDK, the current version you want is 0.49.2 the version might change in the future

- 64bit Windows:
- 64bit Linux:
- others: pick the appropriate version on

(3) download the extensions you want to use

- through the chrome extension store, or
- download the source from the extension's repository, e.g.
- - combat sim:
- - SEMI:

(4) extract all these zipped files

- place the contents of the nwjs-sdk* directory in the Melvor Idle installation directory
- place the icons, styles and source (e.g. scripts or sources) directories of the extracted extensions in the Melvor Idle installation directory
- - you might have to dig around a bit to locate these directories, for example for the Combat Simulator these directories are contained in another directory called Extension

(5) download any user scripts you want to use and also place them in the Melvor Idle installation directory (6) open the game and load a character (7) open the dev tools console (F12) (8) set the context of the console

- the top left of the console has a dropdown: change it from top to game (
- after doing this, you can use the console

(9) load the scripts and extensions you placed in the installation directory before. You can load SEMI like this: require('fs').readFile('scripts/SEMI.js', 'utf8', (err, data) => {eval(data);}) $(document.head).append(`<link rel="stylesheet" href="${chrome.runtime.getURL('styles/semi.css')}">`)

You can load the Combat Simulator like this: require('fs').readFile('sources/contentScript.js', 'utf8', (err, data) => {eval(data);}) $(document.head).append(`<link rel="stylesheet" href="${chrome.runtime.getURL('styles/mainStyle.css')}">`)

You can load user scripts like this, by changing the file name: require('fs').readFile('relativePathToMyReallyCoolScript.js', 'utf8', (err, data) => {eval(data);}) (C) Cleaner variation - You don't have to do the following at all, it is a slight variant to the previous instructions, which takes some more fiddling but results in a cleaner directory without potential file name clashes. Note that the above does not clash for Combat Simulator + SEMI at the moment.

The (cleaner) way I do it mainly differs in the target location of steps (4) and (5) : I made a directory Extensions in the Melvor Idle installation directory, in which I made new directories for the extensions and scripts: Extensions/

 Greasy Fork/
   Melvor Completion Log Helper.js
   Melvor Idle - Timestamped Saves.js

The script in (9) then has to be changed accordingly: [

   // own
   // extensions
   // other than the main script, extensions typically also require the insertion of a css file
   // Greasy Fork user scripts
   'Extensions/Greasy Fork/Melvor Completion Log Helper.js',
   'Extensions/Greasy Fork/Melvor Idle - Timestamped Saves.js',

].forEach(pts => require('fs').readFile(pts, 'utf8', (err, data) => {eval(data);}));

// Extension css [


].forEach(cssFile => $(document.head).append(`<link rel="stylesheet" href="${chrome.runtime.getURL(cssFile)}">`));

Note that SEMI is commented here since I don't use that, you can easily swap scripts in and out by commenting them. Personally I keep a copy of this script saved as yet another script, and each time I load the game I just copy paste it in the console. Additionally. this variant approach (C) needs an additional setup step if you are using extensions: (5.1) Edit the main extension script, i.e. contentScript.js for Combat Simulator and SEMI.js for SEMI, so all source files and icons can be found. In particular you will find references to the icons and source directories in these files, replace these with the appropriate paths:

- Combat Simulator:
- - icons/ -> Extensions/MICS-steam/icons/
- - sources/ -> Extensions/MICS-steam/sources/
- - icons/ -> Extensions/SEMI-steam/icons/
- - scripts/ -> Extensions/SEMI-steam/scripts/

Auto-loading Scripts in Steam

1. You need to make a .js file in the directory Melvor is in. 2. That .js file needs to be

setTimeout(function(){ /*insert all of the commands you would normally put in the console to load your scripts*/ }, 15000);

The 15000 is just to give the game 15 seconds to get up and running, it doesn't seem to matter if it fires on the character screen or once you load a character.

3. There should be a file in the directory named package.json, open that and add "inject_js_end": "pathToYourFile/yourFileName.js" to the parameters.