
Revision as of 22:31, 30 January 2022 by Mazunki (talk | contribs) (itemList to monsterList didn't work)

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Mazunki/Monsters/doc

local Shared = require('Module:Shared')
local MonsterData = mw.loadData('Module:Monsters/data')
local Monsters = require('Module:Monsters')
local Items = require('Module:Items')
local Icons = require('Module:Icons')
-- local SourceTables = require('Module:Monsters/SourceTables')
-- local UseTables = require('Module:Monsters/UseTables')

local p = {}

function p.getRawTable(frame)
	local result = '{|\r\n'
	local rows = {}

	-- local monsterList = Monsters.getMonsters(function(item) return true end)
	-- table.sort(monsterList, function(a, b) return < end)

	local monsterID = 0
	local monster = Monsters.getMonsterByID(monsterID)
	while monster ~= nil and monsterID < 2000 do -- as of writing this, there are [0..163] monsters
		local rowTxt = '|-\r\n'

		result = result..result..'!!ID'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..monsterID

		result = result..'!!Name'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'

		result = result..'!!CombatLevel'
		local combatlevel = Monsters._getMonsterCombatLevel(monster) -- used for slayer
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..combatlevel

		result = result..'!!HP'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..Monsters._getMonsterHP(monter)

		result = result..'!!Interval'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..Monsters._getMonsterAttackSpeed(monster)

		result = result..'!!NormalAttackMaxHit'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..Monsters._getMonsterMaxHit(monster)

		result = result..'!!NormalAttackType'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'

		result = result..'!!HasSpecial'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..tostring(not #(monster.specialAttack))

		result = result..'!!Accuracy'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..Monsters._getMonsterAR(monster)

		result = result..'!!MeleeEvasion'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..Monsters.__getMonsterER(monster, 'Melee')

		result = result..'!!RangedEvasion'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..Monsters.__getMonsterER(monster, 'Ranged')

		result = result..'!!MagicEvasion'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..Monsters.__getMonsterER(monster, 'Magic')

		result = result..'!!GoldDropMin'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'[0]

		result = result..'!!GoldDropMax'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'[1]

		result = result..'!!BoneType'
		result = result..'!!BonePrayerValue'
		local bones = Items.getItemByID(monster.bones) 
		if bones.prayerPoints then
			rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'
			rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..bones.prayerPoints
			rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..tostring(false)
			rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..tostring(0)

		result = result..'!!Location'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..Monsters._getMonsterAreas(monster, false) --args[2] is excludeDungeons

		result = result..'!!SlayerTier'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..Constants.getSlayerTierByLevel(combatlevel)
		result = result..'!!SlayerTierName'
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..Constants.getSlayerTierNameByLevel(combatlevel)

		result = result..'!!ItemsID'
		result = result..'!!ItemsWeight'
		result = result..'!!ItemsDenominators'
		result = result..'!!ItemsTotalWeight'
		result = result..'!!ItemsQtyMin'
		result = result..'!!ItemsQtyMax'
		local itemIds = {}
		local itemWeights = {}
		local itemDenominators = {}
		local itemQtyMins = {}
		local itemQtyMaxs = {}
		local totalWeight = 0
		for _, droppable in pairs(monster.lootTable) do
			totalWeight = totalWeight + droppable[2]

		for _, droppable in pairs(monster.lootTable) do
			table.insert(itemIds, droppable[1])
			table.insert(itemWeights, droppable[2]*monster.lootChance)
			table.insert(itemDenominators, totalWeight*100)
			table.insert(itemQtyMins, 1)
			table.insert(itemQtyMaxs, droppable[3])
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..table.concat(itemIds, ",")
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..table.concat(itemWeights, ",")
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..table.concat(itemDenominators, ",")
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..table.concat(totalWeight, ",")
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..table.concat(itemQtyMins, ",")
		rowTxt = rowTxt..'|'..table.concat(itemQtyMaxs, ",")

		table.insert(rows, rowTxt)
		monsterId = monsterId + 1
		monster = Monsters.getItemByID(monsterID)

	result = result..'\r\n'..table.concat(rows, '\r\n')..'\r\n|}'
	return result

function p.getDRValueForMonsterIdForHP(frame)
	local monsterid = frame.args[1]
	local hp = frame.args[2]
	local autoeatlvl = frame.args[3] or 3

	return 100

return p