Module:Combat Level

From Melvor Idle
Revision as of 00:56, 12 July 2021 by Mayamar (talk | contribs)
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Combat Level/doc

-- <nowiki>
-- Original template paraphrased from the RuneScape Wiki:
-- This template was licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license:
-- Implements {{Template:Calculator/Combat level}}

local p = {}

function p.calc( frame )
    local args = frame:getParent().args
    local attack = tonumber(args.attack or 1)
    local strength = tonumber(args.strength or 1)
    local defence = tonumber(args.defence or 1)
    local hitpoints = tonumber(args.hitpoints or 10)
    local ranged = tonumber(args.ranged or 1)
    local magic = tonumber(args.magic or 1)
    local prayer = tonumber(args.prayer or 1)
    return p._calc( attack, strength, defence, hitpoints, ranged, magic, prayer )

function p._calc ( attack, strength, defence, hitpoints, ranged, magic, prayer )
    -- This will be used several times:
    local attstr = attack + strength

    -- Melvor combat level formula:
    -- 0.25∗(Defence+Hitpoints+⌊Prayer/2⌋) + 0.325∗Max(Attack+Strength, ⌊1.5∗Ranged⌋, ⌊1.5∗Magic⌋)
    local baselvl = 0.25 * ( defence + hitpoints + math.floor( prayer * 0.5 ) )
    local offenselvl =  0.325 * ( math.max( attstr, math.floor( magic * 1.5 ), math.floor( ranged * 1.5 ) ) )
    local lvl = baselvl + offenselvl

    -- Calculate what's needed for another combat level
    -- formula: 1 - (current level - floor(current level)) / weight
    -- Prayer is weighted 12.5%, def and hp are 25%, att/str are 32.5%, magic and ranged are 48.75%
    local HpDef = math.ceil( ( 1 - ( lvl % 1 ) ) * 4 )
    -- Since pray increment cb lvl in 0.25 steps, we need to calculate amount of 0.25 steps required, then multiply by 2 (because 2 lvls required for 1 step) and subtract 1 if current level is odd (because it will only take 1 lvlup for next 0.25 step)
    local Pray = math.ceil( ( 1 - ( lvl % 1 ) ) * 4 ) * 2 - (prayer % 2)
    local AttStr, Mage, Range
    local cbtype

    if attstr >= 2*magic and attstr >= 2*ranged then
        cbtype = 'melee'
        AttStr = math.ceil ( ( 1 - ( lvl % 1 ) ) / 0.325 )
        Mage = math.ceil( ( attstr - magic * 1.5 ) / 2 + ( 1 - ( lvl % 1 ) ) / 0.4875 )
        Range = math.ceil( ( attstr - ranged * 1.5 ) / 2 + ( 1 - ( lvl % 1 ) ) / 0.4875 )
        -- calculate att/str levels needed for combat level up:
        -- first calculate how many levels to get to make your combat melee-based, then add the amount of levels needed from there.
        AttStr = math.max( ranged, magic ) * 1.5 - attstr + math.ceil( ( 1 - ( lvl % 1 ) ) / 0.325 )

        -- store this value in variable Mage first: assume mage-based combat first
        Mage = math.ceil( ( 1 - ( lvl % 1 ) ) / 0.4875 )
        if ranged > magic then
            cbtype = 'ranged'
            -- move the calculated value to variable Range: the combat is range-based
            Range = Mage
            -- same logic for melee: amount of levels to get mage-based combat PLUS levels to another cb from there
            Mage = ranged - magic + Range
            cbtype = 'magic'
            -- same logic again
            Range = magic - ranged + Mage

    local level = 'Your combat level is <b>' .. math.floor( lvl ) .. '</b>, based on your ' .. cbtype .. ' level(s). '
    local tips = 'For level ' .. ( math.floor( lvl ) + 1 ) .. ', you need one of the following:\n*' ..
        AttStr .. ' [[Attack]] or [[Strength]] levels,\n*' ..
        HpDef .. ' [[Defence]] or [[Hitpoints]] levels,\n*' ..
        Range .. ' [[Ranged]] levels,\n*' ..
        Mage .. ' [[Magic]] levels,\n*' ..
        'or ' .. Pray .. ' [[Prayer]] levels.\n'
    return level .. tips


return p