
From Melvor Idle
Revision as of 22:15, 12 November 2022 by Offset10 (talk | contribs)
Aeris Glacia Terran Ragnar Bane
Always Active  • 50% Happiness
 • 25% Leather
 • 25% Mountain Biome
 • -50% GP
 • 25% Fishing Dock Building Production
 • 25% Education
 • 25% Magic Emporium Building Production
 • 25% Valley Biome Production
 • 25% Water Biome Production
 • -50% Arid Plains Biome Production
 • -50% Desert Biome Production
 • -50% Mountain Biome Production
 • 25% Orchard Building Production
 • 25% Farm Building Production
 • 25% Herb Production
 • 25% Woodcutting Building Production
 • 25% Forest Biome Production
 • -50% Fishing Dock Building Production
 • -75% Leather Production
 • 25% GP
 • -50% Coal Usage in Snowlands
 • 25% Blacksmith Building Production
 • 25% Arid Plains Biome Production
 • 25% Desert Biome Production
 • -50% Herb
 • 50% Building Happiness Penalties
 • -25% Citizen Food Usage
 • 25% Grasslands Biome Production
 • 25% Jungle Biome Production
 • 25% Dead Storage
 • -75% Education
 • -75% Happiness
25% Worship  • +25% (50% ttl) Leather Production  • +25% (50% ttl) Fishing Dock Building Production  • +25% (50% ttl) Orchard Building Production  • -25% (-75% ttl) Coal Usage in Snowlands
 • +25% (50% ttl) Blacksmith Building Production
 • +25% Building Production in the Jungle Biome
50% Worship  • +25% (50% ttl) Mountain Biome  • +25% (50% ttl) Valley Biome Production
 • +25% (50% ttl) Water Biome Production
 • +25% (50% ttl) Woodcutting Building Production
 • +25% (50% ttl) Forest Biome Production
 • +25% (50% ttl) Arid Plains Biome Production
 • +25% (50% ttl) Desert Biome Production
 • +25% Township Dead Storage
85% Worship  • +25% (-25% ttl) GP  • +25% (25% ttl) Arid Plains Biome Production
 • +25% (25% ttl) Desert Biome Production
 • +25% (25% ttl) Mountain Biome Production
 • +25% (-25% ttl) Fishing Dock Building Production
 • +25% (-50% ttl) Leather Production
 • +25% (-25% ttl) Herb
 • -25% (+25% ttl) Happiness Penalties
 • +25% Township Education
 • +25% Township Happiness
100% Worship  • +25% (50% ttl) Happiness
 • -15% Building Costs
 • +25% (50% ttl) Education
 • -15% Building Costs
 • +25% (50% ttl) Farm Building Production
 • +25% (50% ttl) Herb Production
 • -15% Building Costs
 • +25% (50% ttl) GP
 • -15% Building Costs
 • -25% Township Citizen Food Usage
 • -15% Township Building Cost
Total if 100%  • 75% Happiness
 • 50% Leather
 • 50% Mountain Biome
 • -15% Building Costs
 • -25% GP
 • 50% Fishing Dock Building
 • 50% Education
 • 25% Magic Emporium Building
 • 50% Valley Biome
 • 50% Water Biome
 • 25% Arid Plains Biome
 • 25% Desert Biome
 • 25% Mountain Biome
 • -15% Building Costs
 • -50% Arid Plains Biome
 • -50% Desert Biome
 • -50% Mountain Biome Production
 • 50% Orchard Building
 • 50% Farm Building
 • 50% Herb
 • 50% Woodcutting Building
 • 50% Forest Biome
 • 25% Fishing Dock Building
 • 25% Leather
 • -15% Building Costs
 • -50% Fishing Dock Building
 • -50% Leather Production
 • 50% GP
 • -75% Coal Usage in Snowlands
 • 50% Blacksmith Building
 • 50% Arid Plains Biome
 • 50% Desert Biome
 • -15% Building Costs
 • -25% Herb
 • +25% Building Happiness Penalties
 • -50% Citizen Food Usage
 • 25% Grasslands Biome
 • 50% Jungle Biome
 • 50% Dead Storage
 • -15% Township Building Cost
 • -50% Township Education
 • -50% Township Happiness